Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Indonesia Masih Harus Menunggu

Hari ini, 29 Desember 2010, hari ketika ratusan juta rakyat Indonesia memanjatkan doa yang sama. Doa agar Timnas Garuda memenangkan final piala AFF melawan Malaysia. 
Berjuta harapan kita panjatkan untuk mengakhiri dahaga gelar juara untuk cabang sepak bola selama 14 tahun. Sangat wajar Euforia yang terjadi mengingat kita sangat perkasa di babak awal penyisihan, menang 5-1 lawan Malaysia, 6-0 lawan Laos, hingga mengalahkan musuh lama Thailand 2-1.

Euforia ini sejenak mengingatkan saya pada tahun 2004, ketika Indonesia sangat superior di babak penyisihan tapi kalah di babak final lawan Singapura. Perasaan itu menghantui saya melihat antusias dan optimisme teman-teman. Bukan maksud saya untuk pesimis, tapi bukankah kita juga harus menyiapkan kemungkinan terburuk dalam segala hal?

Tamparan pertama terjadi ketika final leg pertama di Malaysia. Tidak tanggung-tanggung kita digilas Malaysia dengan skor yang cukup telak 3-0. Prestasi terburuk selama akumulasi head-to-head dengan Malaysia. Hal ini sontak membuat publik tercengang. Namun yang saya salutkan, kita bangsa Indonesia masih punya kobaran api yang membara, optimisme untuk membalas kegagalan tersebut. Ditengah kontroversi akan issue kecurangan yang dilakukan suporter Malaysia, demi Tuhan, apapun, saya bangga dengan semangat teman-teman saya sebangsa dan setanah air.

Hari ini adalah saksi betapa bersatunya kami rakyat Indonesia. Ditengah kesibukan dunia masing-masing, paling tidak masih terselip doa untuk Timnas kita di masa sulit seperti ini. Saya yakin, hampir seluruh rakyat Indonesia punya doa yang sama, saya yakin! 

Kami bersatu untuk sesuatu yang indah, dahaga selama 14 tahun, juga sebagai kado akhir tahun yang manis. Sangat dimaklumi karena di tahun ini, Indonesia bisa dibilang kenyang dengan yang namanya "ujian" Tuhan, gempa wasior, tsunami mentawai, hingga bencana Merapi. Sangat dimaklumi betapa kami sangat menginginkan secuil kebahagiaan. Agar kami bisa berkata dengan bangga sambil menepuk dada 

Tapi kadang doa itu tidak selalu dikabulkan. Tuhan punya kuasa dan Dia sudah memainkan perannya dengan baik disini. Allah made it all, kita sudah berdoa, punggawa timnas telah keras berusaha, tapi Tuhan berkata lain. Pada final leg kedua di Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Indonesia menang memang, 2-1. Tapi kemenangan itu menjadi sedikit sia-sia melihat akumulasi goal yang kita dapat waktu bermain di Malaysia. Sakit, sedih, marah, sesal, apapun itu pasti campur aduk dalam benak setiap pribumi. Mengingat begitu banyak duri yang Malaysia tanam di hati kami. Memang susah untuk mengerti ini semua, kita ingin menang tapi nasib berkata lain.

Saya tidak mau sok bijak untuk menyuruh kita semua sabar dan legowo, se-ikhlasnya kita menerima semua ini, pasti rasa kecewa itu ada, pasti! Tapi, yaa sudahlah, kita mau bagaimana? marah juga tidak mungkin, tidak akan mengubah situasi. But Dear Indonesians, God loves us all. Percaya bahwa Tuhan selalu memberikan yang terbaik, hanya kemasannya saja yang tidak enak. Percaya saja bahwa akan ada kejutan yang membahagiakan bagi kita semua. It's just a matter of time, all we need is just a little patience :)

Terakhir saya hanya bisa mengucapkan terima kasih atas perjuangan seluruh punggawa Merah-Putih, and the greatest man behind them, Alfred Riedl. Mengutip judul artikel Bambang Pamungkas "Indonesia Masih Bisa", memang kita masih bisa, pasti bisa. Tapi mungkin sekarang kondisi yang pas adalah

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

One Year Without The Ones I Love

It’s a daily struggle. There are good days and bad days- days where you don’t think about it so much, and then there’re days where you sit there and just can’t believe it. We’re just trying to move forward and live our lives as best we can, and we’re just happy to be here right now. We’re going to celebrate his birthday [February 9th] and not necessarily his death, but I think I’ll want to get together and watch his tribute video and talk about him. We do that every day, but I’ll just want to keep it chill and remember the guy for how fucking awesome he was.” 
Matt Sanders

The Rev is one of the most talented guys I know and have ever met. No matter what band you talk about, the biggest most famous bands off all-time, he’s right up there as far as I’m concerned. He’s a brilliant writer, he’s got one of my favorite voices in the world, and I know this for a fact, he’s the best drummer in the world. I mean, put those things together and he’s a pretty unstoppable dude.”  
Brian Haner Jr

To truly live, you gotta fucking deal with shit that you never saw coming. And it’s how you deal with it that defines you as a human. And so we’ll go out there (on tour) and give it our fucking best. It’ll be great to see our fans. They’re the only thing at this point that I need in my life: I have my friends, I have my family, but I haven’t seen my fucking fans for so long, I know that they’ve been along with us, and for me, getting out there and seeing the fans, whether I stand onstage and fucking cry and break my guitar and it’s fucking real hard to be up there, at least I know I have my fucking fans right there.” 
Zacky Baker

“Somebody had the balls to tell a funny Jimmy story. One of the thousands upon thousands. we all kind of laughed a little bit. as the night went on, we just were telling all of our favorite stories of Jimmy. That was extremely therapeutic. without the rest of my best friends, I don’t know what would have happened. It was really hard. I had known Jimmy for longer than I had known any body else. He was best friends with Brian before Brian joined the band. He was just very much, in a weird way, the guy who brought us all together.”
 Johnny Seward

it's been a year :'(
RIP the best drummer ever! James Owen Sullivan

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Dear mommy, I know..
I know I'm not that kinda good girl
I know we're sometimes fighting, yelling, arguing each other
I know that maybe I made you cry without I realize
I know I made you mad, angry, or maybe disappointed
I know I can't give you something best yet
I know I can't prepared my own need myself without you, mom

But dear mommy, I just want you to know that
I love you more than I should
I love you more than everything
I love you till the sea's gone dry
I love you for every words I never say
I love you in every fighting we fight together

Dear mommy, I thank to you
Thank you for giving me and lil sissy our best
Thank you for giving us your eternally love
Thank you for your every shout
Thank you for your every anger
Thank you for your love shower
Dear mommy, I love you
Happy Mother's Day!

-your beloved naughty daughter, Tiwi-

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Saturday, 11 December 2010


Keluarga, sahabat, pacar (kalo ada) pasti tau kalo saya sukaaaa sekali sama yang namanya KOPI.
Ga terlalu addicted sii, tapi lumayan sering..hehe
Pasti tiap minggu ngopi lah, tapi paket irit dan higienis aja lahh
secara saya ini wong kere XD
ga perlu ngopi di Starbucks atau Excelso, cukup di rumah sajaaa :)
Anyway, gara-gara sering ngopi, saya iseng aja buat googling tentang tipikal orang yang suka sama kopi. Dan ini lah hasilnya :)
Orang yang suka minum kopi dibilang berkepribadian pekerja keras dan prefeksionis. Demi harga diri, dia pantang meminta bantuan pada orang lain saat mengerjakan sesuatu. Dibutuhkan usaha ekstra untuk menaklukkan mereka yang menyukai kopi karena mereka agak kaku. Perlahan tapi pasti, ajaklah mereka yang suka kopi untuk lebih santai menikmati hidup. (ngintip dari sini :D)

Nah ada lagi yang bilang gini: 
"Penyuka jenis ini termasuk orang yang santai dalam menghadapi apa pun. Tidak mau diburu-buru, meski pada akhirnya segala sesuatu dapat dibereskannya. Hidup baginya seperti menikmati cappucino, ringan namun tetap nikmat.

one thing for sure, coffee can cheer up my mood :)

it causes an impact for my twitter


Friday, 10 December 2010

Baby, You're My Only Exception

Ahh yess well umm XD
I have to confess myself that I really love this man!
I hate badboy, but I love him
I hate smoker, but I love him
I hate a tattoed guy, but I love him
I'm not really sure whether it could be the same
if another man acted like him, is this love still exist?
well he's my only exception :)
gahh! look at him!
I found this silly ridiculous pictures on my Tumblr
everything is just perfect no matter what! haha
Brian Elwin Haner Jr

see? haha

Monday, 6 December 2010

West Coast West Coast

I bought a one way ticket
Cause I knew I'd never see the ground
Unless I was aboard a jet plane
And we were going down
When I wiped the tears from my eyes
The warm water took me by surprise
And I woke up beside the ocean
I realized I must be in California
Owl City - West Coast Friendship

I have a very big, even it's nearly impossible.
but this is my dream and am proud to say that
I want to live in California someday!
that Owl City's song become my daily anthem
that song keeping me up and up
keeping me dare to chase my dream
because I don't want if it's only a dream
I want it real!
then someday am gonna loudly say:
"California, here I come!"

We've been on the run
Driving in the sun
Looking out for #1
California here we come
Nothing's gonna stop me now
California here we come
Phantom Planet - California


Sunday, 21 November 2010

Expecto PatroMagnum

this post is dedicated to today phenomenon

YESS, a big YESS!
it's called MAGNUM everyone
just like Harry Potter's magic spell
we're spelled by this thingy ice 

Ohh Ohh Synyster!

this guy should make me stop loving him!
well if you think that this guy isn't hot as fuck
you'd better check your eyes, bro!

Happy 1st Birthday, Baby!

hello, umm happy birthday! happy 1st birthday
I know am late, but forgive me :)
well all I wanna say it's just thank you
thank you a billion for being with me for this year
thank you for your pleasure to let me use you as my garbage
maybe you are the loveliest garbage ever
you know me
you never mad at me though I have my time with my new baby
but you're still the one
when I have no one to share
when I have no one to talk
you're still standing next to me
be with me whatever I am :)
happy birthday and thank you
I love you!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Berkorban dan Mengorbankan

 Well first I would like to say Happy Eid el-Adha for every Muslims round the world. May Allah bless us with his every single happiness.

Eid el-Adha atau Idul Adha, saya kira semua muslim tau hari apa ini dan sejarah yang melatar belakangi hari istimewa ini terjadi. Sebagai seorang manusia dan muslim, saya sangat memaknai dan menghargai yang namanya pengorbanan. Yang namanya berkorban itu ga mudah loh yaa, dan bukan sembarang berkorban. Karena menurut saya, berkorban itu adalah merelakan hal yg kita cintai untuk mendapatkan yang lebih baik. Hayoo coba tanya sama diri sendiri, bisa ga melakukan hal seperti itu? :)

Pasti susah kan? yaiyalahh. Saya sendiri pun pasti menjawab hal yg sama. Sangat susah apalagi mengorbankan sesuatu yg susah sekali di dapat. But don't worry, itu normal ko. Knp?
Sifat greedy atau serakah itu ada di setiap manusia, cuma pintar-pintar kita bagaimana supaya sifat tersebut tidak menguasai kita tapi sebaliknya. Kita lihat bagaimana Nabi Ibrahim as, yang harus bertahun-tahun menantikan buah hati dan akhirnya lahirlah Nabi Ismail as. Tapi tapi tapi (lebay) Allah malah menginginkan Nabi Ibrahim untuk menyembelih putranya sendiri sebagai korban (hiks). Atas bakti beliau kepada Allah SWT maka dilaksanakanlah mandat tersebut hingga di hari pengorbanan itu Allah menukar Ismail dengan seekor kambing untuk akhirnya disembelih.
Nah kita bisa ga seperti beliau? PR dehh yaa buat dijawab, karna saya yakin hal itu akan sangatlah sulit dilakukan bagi kita yang masih mempunyai ego duniawi! Melepaskan sesuatu yang tidak dimiliki saja sulit, apalagi yang dimiliki ditambah susah didapat.
Tapi kita wajib percaya bahwa ada harga yang harus dibayar untuk tiap jengkal yang kita dapatkan selama ini. Anggap saja itu sebagai kurban, kurban atas segala kenikmatan yang kita dapat. Belajar ikhlas atas setiap kehilangan insyaallah membawa kemakmuran di setiap sudut kehidupan.

Semoga bisa jadi bahan renungan bagi teman-teman :)

Friday, 12 November 2010

Dibalik Senyum Itu :)

hallo semua, gilaa lama banget ini ga ngoprek blog, hehe. maaf yaa
selain rada males, banyak tugas juga sih :( huhu

anyway, saya cuma mau share aja sih. Sebenernya udah lama pengen nulis ini tapi yaa gitu (ada aja buat alasan yah?) haha.
well langsung masuk ke poin, pagi ini rutinitas seperti biasa, bangun, mandi, sholat, ngopi, blablabla lanjut sampai saya berangkat kuliah. Sebelum berangkat bapak pesen gini 
"ban yg belakang ditambah angin sedikit ya"
"iya pakk" 
langsung weerrrr berangkat dan tibalah di tempat tukang pompa ban.
saya: yang belakang ya pak
pak pompa: yang depan engga mbak? di cek aja yaa 

well sebenarnya itu cuma dialog sangat simpel dan lumrah terjadi dimanapun, tapi ada satu hal yg membuat hari saya sedikit bersemangat. Hal tersebut adalah senyum tulus dari bapak itu. Demi Allah sangat tulus. Seolah-olah bapak itu sangat mensyukuri pekerjaan tersebut padahal kita sering tidak menganggap keberadaan beliau. Hanya ketika ada masalah dengan ban baru kita ingat bahwa berartinya orang-orang macam beliau.
Jujur saya malu dengan beliau. Saya kadang malas-malasan bangun pagi buat berangkat kuliah, menggerutu tiap ada masalah yang padahal sebetulnya tidak ada apa-apanya dibanding yg dialami oleh orang lain. Kita yang notabene hidup enak, uang tinggal minta masih saja lupa untuk bersyukur bahkan mungkin lupa caranya bersyukur, Astaghfirullah :(

Lanjut setelah itu saya tancap gas ke kampus. Sepanjang perjalanan saya terus berpikir tentang banyaknya senyum-senyum tulus di sekitar saya. Hati tidak dapat berbohong, walaupun kita belum kenal mereka tapi secara sekilas pandang tentu kita bisa menilai isi hati orang tersebut.

Namun diantara senyum-senyum tulus kepada saya, saya lebih senang jika mengetahui ada orang seperti itu yg melakukannya untuk bapak atau ibu saya. Seperti seorang bapak penjaga apotik dekat rumah. Kebetulan saya ikut bapak beli obat waktu itu. Biasanya kan yaa, yg namanya penjual itu ada yg galak, pelit senyum, irit bicara blablabla. Tapi tidak dengan bapak tersebut. Senyumnya Demi Allah sangat tulus, saya bisa merasakan. Dengan spontan hati saya pun berdoa agar bapak tersebut diberi lancar rezeki, kesehatan dan hal baik lainnya. 

Masih banyak senyum-senyum yg saya dapat, tapi mungkin hanya saat ini saya mampu berbagi betapa tulusnya mereka. Tukang tambal ban, penjaga apotik, mungkin hanya segelintir contoh. Masih banyak orang baik yang akan menawarkan bahkan memberikan senyum tulus dan ikhlas mereka.

Sungguh, hidup di tengah kota yang besar dan sibuk, saya jarang menemukan senyum-senyum yang tulus macam mereka. Memang banyak yg memberikan senyum untuk saya setiap hari, tapi (maaf) menurut saya itu hanya sebuah formalitas.
Sungguh saya rindu dengan masyarakat seperti itu di tengah kejamnya hidup di kota besar macam Surabaya. Sungguh senyuman tulus bisa merubah suasana hati seseorang :)

Wednesday, 20 October 2010


freshtea for fresh
look at those walp, \m/ mom gonna mad at me is she saw this.haha
Add caption
ahh sweet :p
wooaaaaaa I'm just fucking lays-zy for doing my task tonite.
I need to get some fun! lol

Sunday, 17 October 2010


well blog, I don't mean to leave you. I'm just having fun with my new doll :)


Friday, 15 October 2010

I Feel Enough

          I don't miss my highschool that much. Coz I already feel every feeling when I was in. All the love and hate, joy and sorrow. I feel enough tough. I don't have to wish that I could back into my highschool time. I am now move on, and I don't want to turn back.
         I remember every detail of it. I felt everybody who really loves me, hates me, or stab behind my back. I felt it. And I think it's enough.
          Noooo I don't hate my highschool, am just sick with all the bad memories in the past. Some people weren't good enough to me. Or maybe they hate me..haha for something I did.
          for some reasons, I really don't want to back into my highschool times. I now have my own life and I enjoy this. Although several people said that highschool times is the best time ever. I have my own opinion. I think every moment in our life, has each beauty. Now when we are turn 20, we can can make it. Maybe five years later we can proudly say that this time is our best.
         Ketika kita berusia 20tahun, mimpi bukan hanya sekedar mimpi. Justru disinilah saat kita untuk menunjukan diri, menata masa depan, dan membentuk jati diri. Bukan lagi seperti anak SMA yg bisanya hanya merengek meminta sesuatu. Tanggung jawab moral sangat diperlukan.
         Jadi menurut saya, tiap moment dalam tiap tahap kehidupan adalah saat yg terbaik. Tinggal bagaimana kita dapat menggunakannya dengan tepat (kalo mikirnya pake otak).
Begitupun nanti disaat kita menikah, hingga mempunya anak. itu adalah saat yg terbaik juga bahkan paling indah. So, I feel enough being a highschool student. thanks :)

ps: maaf masih bilingual, haha

Wednesday, 13 October 2010


I don't know where do I have to go
to express my self and my feeling
twitter and blog is no longer free place for me to share
I need to share my secret
secret that nobody knows about this
not even my closest friends or my boyfriend
I need an empty room to share
but where?
everywhere is crowded now
I hate to know! 

Friday, 20 August 2010


it's a simple symbol composed of two important components in a relationship:
*love and less than three*
it means that love is less than three and it has no space for the third party! =)


Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Hey Gorgeous, Come Back!

I love you
You were ready
The pain is strong and urges rise
But I'll see you
When it lets me
Your pain is gone, your hands are untied

So far away
  And I need you to know  
So far away
And I need you to
I need you to know
Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away 

Monday, 9 August 2010

It's Just a Fiction

This is my second posts about James Owen Sullivan aka Jimmy aka The Rev. I was sooo emotional when am talking about him. I'm not ready yet to loose him :( but this is life, people go people come, what goes around comes around. I feel like a deep losing here inside my heart, I lost someone for I haven't met him personally yet before. But this feeling, I don't know what it's like.
On July 27th 2010, Avenged Sevenfold new album, Nightmare, has come out on the stores. This album actually well tribute to their fucking best drummer, bestfriend, and brother, Jimmy. As we have known before that he passed away on December 28th 2009.
I know I'm late to hear this whole album due to my internet connection and financial problem, never mind! After I listened to the whole songs, I thing this album is more than what it called GREAT! if there's any word that I can say I would say, but I don't. Because this album is too emotionally to be heard and understand :(
I haven't seen tho whole lyrics, but I already catch the meaning of "goodbye" from Fiction and So Far Away, Jimmy's singing in the Fiction, he wrote it and he took the piano part of this song. Do you feel the same like I feel?? I cried very hard when I listen to it, I swear! I feel like something hard banging out my heart, my heart is bleeding, I'm totally lost. I LOST HIM :'( 
Gave you all I had to give
Found a place for me to rest my head
While I may be hard to find
Heard there's peace just on the other side 
Left this life to set me free
Took a piece of you inside of me.
All this hurt can finally fade
Promise me you'll never feel afraid -Fiction-
ps: check the bolding words. seems that he already knew that his time to leave his wife, family and friends will come soon.
At the end, I don't know is it just me or you guys feel it too, I feel like
agree with me?? do you feel the same?? 

Sunday, 8 August 2010

After a Long, Long While

hell-ohh world! how're ya anw??
me? am not that good.
well actually, saya punya masalah dengan modem lama saya sehingga tidak memungkinkan untuk menulis sesuatu di blog ini :(
padahal banyak sekali yg ingin saya bagi, dari kekalahan tim kesayangan saya yg gagal pada perhelatan World Cup 2010 South Africa, Belanda, sampai album terbaru Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare.
tapi yah sudahlah, sekarang alhamdulillah sudah bisa aktif lagi.hhe
nantikan postingan menarik dari saya *smooch

Friday, 9 July 2010


  1. He plays guitar in a band called My Chemical Romance. I bet he’s good with his fingers, wouldn’t you like to find out? I bet you would.
  2. His voice. It’s deep and smooth and can keep you listening for hours. I bet it sounds even better in the bedroom.
  3. He’s not afraid to go bold, his makeup always making a statement as well as that devious smirk of his. Could you imagine the look on his face while he was undressing you? Oh, I know I could.
  4. His name is Frank Iero, which rolls much too nicely off of the tongue, signaling that he’s of Italian descent, with a dark complexion and pretty hazel eyes to go with it.
  5. His body, an ass that could make any girl want to dryhump him, as well as those tattoos pretty much point out the fact that he’s everything you could ask for in one package titled ‘Frank Iero’.
  1. You’d be lying if you said those eyes didn’t capture your attention from the word ‘go’. Zacky Vengeance - making teenage girls melt with those green orbs since 6661.
  2. Be honest… look at those lips. Tell me you’re not imaginging them on you. Those beautiful, full lips. Accompanied by those snake bites. There’s just one word for this - unf.
  3. Never has anyone made smoking look as fucking hot as he does. Tell me you wish you weren’t that cigarette.
  4. Not only does the man know how to work up a rhythm on a guitar, his creativity stems into his clothing line too. A man with style and creativity is an irresistable man.
  5. This man has everything. From a ‘rock star’ lifestyle, to an ‘adorable’ side. It isn’t possible for anyone to be any cuter, especially not when accompanied by their dog. The most adorable thing you will ever see.
Most of people said that both of them are quite similar. Their face, appearance, and their style are similar. But I don't think so. Franky is more similar to Synyster Gates than I do, my eyes said so :)
Three things that similar from them are: they are great guitarist, has a bunch of tattoes, and has an Italian hertiage.

ps: thanks to WHY THEY'RE HOT for the info =)

Isn't He Lovely??

♥Roque Santa Cruz♥

Born in August 16th 1981 AsunciĂ³n, Paraguay
Current club Manchester City and he is one of the former of Paraguay National Team Football
Number: 9 & 14
 kenapa suka banget manyun-manyunin bibir gt sih?? :p

 idk why, I just feel that he was sooooo cute and the picture above :)

For me, he isn't that handsome. He is so sweet for me. Kalo orang kita bilang sih ibaratnya gini, orang ganteng itu ngebosenin. Beda sama orang manis, dilihat selama apapun juga tetep I absolutely agree of it. Sebenarnya si udah tau mas ganteng ini sejak dia di Bayern Munchen dulu cuma jadi agak lupa karena pamornya kalah sama bintang bola lainnya. Tapi World Cup 2010 telah membangunkanku dari tidur *halah
I found my cutie prince again..haha
Soalnya kalo dibandingin sama pemain bola lain, si Roque ini ga sebeken Beckham atau CR7, tapi pesonanya ituuu bikin geregetan..haha
So, isn't he lovely, folks?? :)
♥ Beautiw ♥

Hello you, Coward!

Hmm, it's almost 12am here and I can't sleep. So sedikit curcol gpp deh
well today ada yang menguji kesabaran saya (lagi)
ga tau juga sih, apa saya ini orangnya terlalu baik atau terlalu murah maaf??
yang jelas saya, untuk pertama kalinya merasa menyesal telah memberikan maaf kepada seseorang yang sangat tidak pantas untuk itu.
Okay, calm down =)
Saya tidak akan meledak-ledak seperti dulu lagi, eventhough I know I can do that. But I don't.
Saya hanya bisa menarik nafas berkali-kali agar mood saya kembali membaik setelah hal yang sangat konyol ini.
Maybe I should make my another-forever-goodbye-post lol
well apapun itu saya hanya ingin sedikit menertawakan seseorang atas ketidak-jantanannya.haha
Bukan..bukan karena dia bisa punya anak atau tidak, hanya dia SEDIKIT kurang berani untuk mengatakan yang sesungguhnya dan ini BUKAN YANG PERTAMA KALINYA dia tidak jantan.lmfao
Yahh sudahlah, his another mask had been opened tonight.
I should be happy, shouldn't I??

ps: mohon maaf jika ada kesamaan nama dan tempat, tulisan diatas hanyalah fiksi belaka (tp bohong)