I don't miss my highschool that much. Coz I already feel every feeling when I was in. All the love and hate, joy and sorrow. I feel enough tough. I don't have to wish that I could back into my highschool time. I am now move on, and I don't want to turn back.
I remember every detail of it. I felt everybody who really loves me, hates me, or stab behind my back. I felt it. And I think it's enough.
Noooo I don't hate my highschool, am just sick with all the bad memories in the past. Some people weren't good enough to me. Or maybe they hate me..haha for something I did.
for some reasons, I really don't want to back into my highschool times. I now have my own life and I enjoy this. Although several people said that highschool times is the best time ever. I have my own opinion. I think every moment in our life, has each beauty. Now when we are turn 20, we can can make it. Maybe five years later we can proudly say that this time is our best.
Ketika kita berusia 20tahun, mimpi bukan hanya sekedar mimpi. Justru disinilah saat kita untuk menunjukan diri, menata masa depan, dan membentuk jati diri. Bukan lagi seperti anak SMA yg bisanya hanya merengek meminta sesuatu. Tanggung jawab moral sangat diperlukan.
Jadi menurut saya, tiap moment dalam tiap tahap kehidupan adalah saat yg terbaik. Tinggal bagaimana kita dapat menggunakannya dengan tepat (kalo mikirnya pake otak).
Begitupun nanti disaat kita menikah, hingga mempunya anak. itu adalah saat yg terbaik juga bahkan paling indah. So, I feel enough being a highschool student. thanks :)
ps: maaf masih bilingual, haha