Thursday, 24 March 2011

call me super excited or whatever

when I was a little, I remember when I have already design my future. I remember when I was nine or ten, I told my parents that I want to continue my study until university, thing that my family rarely do because most of them only stop until high school or so. 
am I too excited?
when I was in the 6th grade of elementary school, I already knew which junior high that I choose, I told my parents about that school and I made it. also when I have decided my own senior high.
am I too excited?
those are things that I always do since I was a little until now. sometimes I think it myself "am I too excited? or walk forward too far?"
because if I'm talking with my schoolmates, rare of them think as far as I do. Maybe I don't know, or they won't share it with me, I don't know.
Just like now, me now is the 6th semester student, guess what I think of now? not about 
"what task should I do for tomorrow?" 
"what can I write for my final thesis?" 
"can I take Psychology major for my master?"
those are things that lately hanging on my head, maybe you guys think that it's too far to think about that, but not for me. I don't force myself to have such kind of thinking but yeah that's me. and I am proud to be me :)

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

so this is where the story goes

1. pertama ketemu, aku speechless saking gantengnya dia
2. dia bilang jalanku kaya cowo
3. dia bilang kalo aku ga ada jaim-jaimnya, duduk ngangkang sambil garuk-garuk :D
4. jalan dari parkiran ke delta, dia kesandung batu, diketawain bocah alay, untung ga jatuh brukk. hihi
5. cape muterin delta, duduk-duduk di depan disctara selama berjam-jam (yg jaga toko sampe pengen muntah kali yak :p)
6. pulang dari delta kehujanan
7. malming pertama di kos, awe!
8. aku pake deh celana pendek punya dia. haha gara-gara celanaku basah sah!
9. pas pulang dari kosan ni, eh motor ga boleh dinaikin di gang, dorong deh gue!
10. rencana minggu pagi ke Tugu Pahlawan batal gara-gara tu tempat super ruamee
11. sebelumnya kita nyasar dulu loh, so sweet kan? lol
12. batal ke Tugu Pahlawan, bingung mau kemana, malah maen ke kampus yg sangat suepi. (yalah hari libur --")
13. makan bubur ayam kepedesan, mau minum eh tehnya panaasss, hahah
14. di kampus ga ngapa-ngapain malah motong kuku
15. ketemu bocah tengil sok!
16. ke PTC jam 9.30, masih sepii, serasa mall milik berdua :p
17. pas nunggu di XXI, nyanyi keras-keras ga jelas
18. udah di dalem studio, depan kita cipok-cipokaannn mulu (kan kita pengen :p), nah samping kita malah maho couple, ohh hell!
19. bingung cari kado sama oleh-oleh buat orang rumah
20. nyanyi Heaven Knows teriak-teriak di Breadtalk
21. milih kado yg pas dengan muka guee! haha
22. masa dia bilang "assalamualaikum" ke mbak kasir yg jual boneka --"
23. beli tiket ke gubeng, dapet yg di pasutri eh pasar turi
24. dia kenalan sama ortu (dagdigdugbrak)
25. respon ortu ciamik soro. haha
26. dinner nasi kuning berdua loh :')
27. ehh tapi ada tikus di dapur --"
 28. ngabisin malam senin di rumah :))
29. senin terpaksa bolos kuliah, eh ga terpaksa ko, ikhlas :D
30. breakfast bubur ayam berdua lagii
31. geje-gejean di kost sambil bantuin packing :(
32. cabs dari kost. ke delta lagii
33. pas jalan di delta, kita ditawarin mobil loh, hhaha padahal ga semua orang ditawarin (emang bakat orang kaya :p)
34. nyanyi Heaven Knows & Leaving on The Jetplane lagi keras-keras di stasiun. padahal belakang kita juga ada couple yg lagi romantis banget, kita malah kaya orang gila --"
35. saling memakaikan kutek :p
36. btw depan kita sampe kabur gara-gara suara merdu kita loh :D
37. and finally I have to let him back home :(
38. but we promise to meet each other again, soon :*
39. intinya semua rencana batal, nge-maaall mulu :D
40. inti dari intinya adalah, aku sayang banget sama dia :)

coz he's leaving on rail station, don't know when he'll be back again.
oh babe, I hate you to go :(


Monday, 14 March 2011

Man Once I Ignored

ohh okay, what shud I tell you first?? umm haha
he's the man I know for about three years
he said he likes me at that time, but yeah I don't believe him though :p
even I ignored him many times
we travel a long road of journey of love *soundslebay* :p
but in those days he came and prove everything!
he's my boyfriend, we are in humour-sarcastic relationship. hahah
but we aren't like any others couple
we both live in a far away for each other
I doubt yess at first, but now it's gone with the wind!
I love him I love him I love him!
Ryan Pramana :*
