Thursday, 27 September 2012

Nobody Said it was Easyyyy

Halloooo people! im sooo damn busy these days because of my first days in office. In my office. New office :p can I be a lil bit narcissist? Well Alhamdulillah, all my sorrows were gone. My hard work was paid off, my prayers and my loveliest prayers were answered. It is a long journey, full of tears. But finally here comes the sun. Im now working at one of the biggest bank in Indonesia. Im so proud, so are my parents, friends, boyfriend, and family. I dedicate this achievement to them. Oh here it is the bocoran where im working now :p

 Atas pencapaian ini saya menyatakan resolusi saya di tahun 2012 terbayar lunas! Saya masih ingat betul ketika saya hanya meminta dua hal besar untuk tahun ini. Pertama, saya ingin lulus periode Juni-Juli. Kedua, saya ingin bekerja in a big company. Dan semua terwujud, Alhamdulillah. Inilah pencapaian terbesar kekuatan doa dan kerja keras. Tentunya semua juga tidak akan terwujud tanpa dukungan dan doa dari orang-orang tersayang, I thank you. Ohh yaa, also thank you for my blog reader yang mungkin doain saya also. Thank you very much!

Everything I reach now is not that easy, ya. Bantuan secara doa dan dukungan sih meluber-luber, tapi untuk otot dan otak, saya murni berusaha sendiri. Sempat menahan hati ketika semua orang tanya, “ada orang dalam ya mbak?” wahh orang ini ga lihat muka saya yang kusut apa yaa T_T Saya mati-matian pakk bukk survive dari serangkaian test yang bertubi-tubi menghujam hati dan pikiran. Belum lagi lamanya penantian akan kepastian nasib. Oh Lordd, hamba pasrahhh. Tapi tak apalah, dengan ini saya mampu membuktikan bahwa saya kuat dan tangguh!

Ohh iyaa, I made a shocking decision ya for my nearest people, haha. I cut my hair very very very short! It is because my office requires me for having a very nice appearance. Nah I think you can guess what my position is ya? Haha. But, I like my new hair anyway :)

 Ahh okay, that’s all. My eyes are tired already. I’ll see you when I login into this blog again. Oh give your comment please, about anything dehh :) dahh!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Movie Review: The Green Mile

It was on Tuesday September 4th, 2012 when I heard it. Many people on my twitter’s timeline said RIP Michael Clarke Duncan. It seems that Im rather familiar with that name. Then I started googling it and found that Michael C. Duncan is a Hollywood actor, best known for his awesome role as John Coffey in The Green Mile. I was shocked. Im probably not a big fan of him, but The Green Mile is my very favorite movie. I watched the movie when I was still in primary school. I remember his magnificent act as John Coffey. I love the story that also written by my favorite writer, Stephen King. Oh God I was soo sad at that time. I remember how I cried very hard when I saw him died on The Green Mile. And I nearly cried for the second time when I knew that he is really really gone.
Today Im going to write a little review about The Green Mile. It was released on 1999. Im sure that not much people in my age knowing this movie. But trust me that this movie really knocked me down! I suggest that you have to watch it.

The Green Mile is a movie about Paul Edgecomb (Tom Hanks) who is a prison guard in a charge of a death row and supervised all the executions at Cold Mountain Penitentiary during the summer of 1935. The cell block where Paul works in is called the "Green Mile." It is because the condemned prisoners walking to their execution are said to be walking "the last mile" to the electric chair or he called it Old Sparky. He also suffers from a urinary infection. One day, there come a big guy named John Coffey (Michael Clarke Duncan) who was accused of raping and murdering two little girls arrives on death row, but he’s actually not. Later Paul realises that John has a magic power for he can heal Paul’s urinary infection and resurrect Mr.Jingle, a mouse. Then Paul also asks John to heal Hal Moores’ wife from her brain tumor. John also has another special ability, he can read people’s mind and guest what happen next in the future. Let’s call that he has a supernatural thingy or sixth sense.
The true rapist and killer of the two little girls, Wild Bill, come into the Green Mile for making multiple murders committed during a robbery. John Coffey knows that Wild Bill is the true killer. That’s why he transfers Moores’ wife’s disease to a sadistic guard named Percy. So that Percy can lost his mind and shooting Wild Bill until he died.
Paul finally knew that John Coffey is innocent and asked him whether he can help John to walk away from the Green Mile. But John refuses it. Because he thought that the world is full of suffering. He was tired of knowing that many people being ugly to each other. He’s tired of being alone, tired of having no friends. Simply because he can read people’s mind. And he’s tired of all the pain he had. That’s why he chose to be punished in a death row, instead of feel the suffering again. Finally John is executed.
At the end, Paul lives until he is 108 years old. His friend, Elaine asks him why he can have such an excellent health. He said that this is apparently a side effect of John giving a "part of himself" to Paul. Mr. Jingles resurrected by John, is also still alive—but Paul believes his outliving all of his relatives and friends to be a punishment from God for having John executed.

Ohh dear God! I swear you have to watch this movie before you die. Simply because this movie can help you to think about life. John Coffey is a God miracle. Knowing people’s mind is hurt. Because you will know that beside of people who love you, there are also people who hate you. That’s gonna be hurt knowing it. I sometimes wish to God that I can read people’s mind, barely, so I can be ready for what happen next in my life. But after watching this movie couple days ago (I’ve watched it before in primary school but this thing haven’t affected me yet) I realize that I don’t wanna have that super power. I don’t wanna spend my life in suffer just knowing what people do and think about me and others. Future also, let it be just God’s mystery. Knowing the truth is hurt sometimes.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Curcolan dan Tips Belanja Online

Haaiii agan-agan dan sista-sista!! Selamat malam, lagi pada ngapain? Daku baru pulang mencari sesuap burger nii. Terus kok ga istirahat? Malah ngeblog? Nggg karena sesuatu yang bakal aku tulis ini udah berkecamuk di hati sejak tadi siang, halaahh :)

Jadi gini ni, adek ane ni lagi apes banget gan. Dia kan belanja via online gitu. Kan sekarang online shopping lagi hits banget yeuh. Lanjut! Adek ane beliiii ada deh. Naahh oonnya dan gawatnya, si bakulan olshopnya ini salah tulis nama, SALAH TULIS NAMA!! Dan itu ga cuma sekali ini, pas kapan hari juga pernah sepupu ane beli di orang yang sama, daaannnn salah tulis nama juga –“ parah beud! Akhirnya panik lah adek ane, waktu itu yang nrima tante ane gan, jadi si tante ga ngerasa ada yang punya nama salah itu di rumah. So, ya ga diterima dong.

Lanjut pergilah adek ane ke JNE terdekat buat tracking barangnya. Disitu diketahui kalo barang adek ane ada di JNE yang letaknya jauh banget dari rumah. Kalo ngambil ya rugi ongkir dongski. Terus ko ga ditelpon sama orang JNE-nya? Sumber utama terletak pada kekoploan sang bakul. Yeap! Sang bakul SALAH NULIS NOMER HP adek ane gann ahahaha!! Untungnya juga sih yang dicantumin nomer sepupu ane tadi jadi masih selamet lah barangnya. Haduuhh, sekali sih oke ya masih bias dimaklumin. Lah ini 2x wooyyy, pake double koplo pisan –“ ckckck should I teach them to write??
Tapi untungnya sih bagi si bakul, adek ane ga se-emosian kaya ane gan. Kalo ane jadi adek, wuaahhh udah habis tu orang! Haha

Jadi ni pelajaran juga buat agan-agan sekalian buat hati-hati kalo belanja olshop. Mungkin kalo ditipu sih engga. Tapi kalo kejadiannya kaya adek ane gimana coba? Padahal barangnya kudu udah on hand dua hari lalu cobak.

Okehh, ane mau kasih tips-tips cerdas buat agan sekalian kalo mau belanja online. Ane pribadi sih sering belanja online. Tapi lebih sering ke buku gan. Karna kalo belanja buku pun tanpa kita nyentuh barangnya udah tau. Yaa buku semua aja sama, haha. Beda kalo mau beli baju or sepatu, kalo ga nyentuh or nyoba langsung rasanya ga sreg gituu.
Oke tips pertama: pikir baik-baik apa barang yang akan agan beli cuma ada di olshop tersebut. Maksud ane gan, kalo di pasar atau mall terdekat ada buat apa beli online? Kan selain kita bisa lihat dan pegang langsung barangnya, kita juga bisa nego kalo beli di pasar, ehehehe.

Tips kedua: pinter-pinter survey harga ya kakak. Emang sih biasanya harga di olshop lebih murah dari yang di pasaran, tapi belum ongkir lohh. Nah kalo jatohnya harga di pasar sama dengan atau lebih murah dari harga olshop plus ongkir ya monggo aja. Tapi kalo kemana-mana mahal olshop? Yahh terserah ente lah, duit-duit ente :p

Tips ketiga: ini tips yang paling sensitif buat ane gan. Kalo ane pribadi ga begitu masalah sama tips diatas tapi ane benci banget sama masalah satu ini. Apakah diaa??? Hiyak, bakulan judes!! Nah ini ane paling bĂȘte ni  ngadepin orang kaya gini. Istilahnya kan pembeli adalah raja, kalo penjual berarti? :p Please please buat agan yang punya masalah emosi kaya ane disarankan buat cari bakulan yang ramah, friendly, trus ditanya-tanya tapi ga beli tetep baik hati dan rajin menabung. Ini pengalaman pribadi sepupu ane sih, jadi dia punya temen yang jualan online. Nah si sepupu ane ni sering liat-liat katalog doang, beli jarang, liat sama tanya doang sering. Nah sampe suatu hari sepupu ane tanpa rasa bersalah pinjem dong katalog ke temennya itu, eehh tanpa rasa bersalah juga si temennya itu bilang gini gan: “liat-liat doang ga beli, gini ini mau dapet duit ga jadi.” Ya salaam, rejeki di tangan Allah, non. Bukan di tangan buyer zzz. Nahh cara untuk tidak terjebak dalam masalah ini adalah pinter-pinter aja ngebaikin si bakul, atau cari bakul yang baik hati, banyak kok. Caranya? Minta rekomen aja ke temen-temen agan yang pernah belanja di olshop tertentu, mana seller yang asik yang ga bikin muntab dan yang penting ga koplo.

Kalo ane pribadi sih jarang ada masalah berarti selama belanja online. Paling cuma keterlambatan pengiriman, itupun cuma sehari dan ane lumayan mencak-mencak dibuatnya. Hehe
Anyway ane nulis postingan ini bukan mau jelek-jelekin toko online. Pacar ane juga bakulan olshop gan, jadi mana mungkin ane insult doi, ane mah cinta mati sama pacar ane :’) trus pacar ane bakulan top gan, dia dapet anugerah Kaskus Recommended Seller, keren kan pacar ane? Udah ganteng, baik lagi :’) postingan ini cuma curcol aja daripada numpuk di hati bikin umur pendek mending ditumpahin, tul gak? Gaakkk :)) Maap-maap aja kalo ada yang terluka ^^v

Terakhir, pilihan tetep ada di tangan agan-agan sekalian mau belanja via apa. Duit-duit eloh. Tapi tetep hati-hati ea kakak. Dahh!