This is a very new thing to me because I
never thought before that I will work at the bank. So what I’ve learned here is
definitely new!
It’s a wrap! Umm nope, it is just the
beginning of my very long loongg journey. Today is my last day of OJT at BCA
KCU Veteran. I’ve been there for 12 days. Many things I have learned. Not only
about the CSO thingy but also many others. I envy to those my other friends who
have OJT at KCP who have already served nasabah directly. Eventho it’s hard but
I think they learn so much form it. Me and my friend who also at Veteran were
only observing, what are the tasks of the CSO, desk and counter. What is the
different between Desk and Counter? Well lemme explain you a bit. If you go to
the bank, there are teller and CSO kan ya? Nah, I don’t need to tell you what
is teller. But CSO are divided into two parts, desk and counter. Desk bertugas
untuk pembukaan rekening, ganti buku, pembukaan deposito, giro, also menangani
keluhan nasabah such as kartu tertelan, buku rusak, buku hilang, etc. Sedangkan
counter untuk cetak buku, pengambilan warkat dan pengambilan rekening Koran. Is
that clear? No? Google it! :p
Here I learned so much about how to be a
good CSO. No no, not only good but also smart, patient, wise, and of course
pretty. This is a very new thing to me because I never thought before that I
will work at the bank. So what I’ve learned here is definitely new! takut? jelas! Many things
confused me but yaahhh thank God there are million good people there that help me.
One thing that is most important, disini
sepertinya Tuhan ingin menunjukkan kepada saya ragam manusia yang
bermacam-macam. Entah ini saya yang terlalu peka atau memang sudah digariskan. I
mean, saya bertemu banyak nasabah dari berbagai golongan, ras, suku,
pendidikan, ekonomi, dan status social. Ada kalanya saya iri kepada seseorang
yang menurut saya hidup berkecukupan, hidupnya tidak perlu bersusah-susah, lalu
beberapa menit kemudian datang bapak-bapak yang kemana-mana hanya naik sepeda
ontel, pasangan suami istri yang harus menarik habis tabungannya karena anaknya
sakit, dan macam lainnya. Jadi rasanya seperti naik roller coaster, kita
diterbangkan tinggi tiba-tiba wuusss meluncur jatuh kebawah. Bertemu orang baik
dan kurang baik yang tentunya they come for a reason ya, it is to teach you
whether you want to be like them or not. It is your choice. Me? Definitely I
thank them all, the more I know what I want to be. I hate observing people but
it comes naturally. Oohhh I don’t know why I can be this observing!
Maybe my closest people exactly know that
to be a banker is not my passion. But for now, I work not because my passion
but it’s for my parents. Karena saya percaya Tuhan tidak pernah salah dalam
menempatkan umatnya. Jika saya berada disini sekarang pasti Tuhan ingin saya
berproses untuk jadi manusia yang lebih baik. Jadi saya ikhlas dan senang hati
dalam menjalani hari-hari saya kedepan. Biarpun kata orang ga enak, but this is
my way. God choose me, so I believe that I can. Please pray for me to survive
aaaaaa!! lumayan lega sih bisa curcol di blog gini.
Because Writing is Liberating,
that's what my journalism lecturer said.