Wednesday, 30 November 2011

and the OSCAR goes to... :D

Heyowasup folks :D this a silly task actually, haha
My theater lecturer gave a task to me and my two gals @tika_chuw and @dikasipipi to make a video clip, we firstly had no idea what to make, but then we got this idea because we love shopping and a bit hate about what is really happening in some markets.
The tittle of this clip is "YOUR MONEY IS MY ATTENTION" 
watch the video and you will know then.
Yeap! what's in the video is SOMETIMES happened! NO LIES!
enjoy :)


Sunday, 27 November 2011

The Wednesday Letters: What Letters Want to Say

Like what I have said, I would write a little review about the novel in my previous post. It is called “The Wednesday Letters” by Jason F. Wright. The main story of this novel is about the sweetness of an old couple who has married for 39 years. This couple, Jack and Laurel Cooper have unique habit during their marriage. Every Wednesday, Jack always writes a letter for his wife. Not every letter is important, even a usual event in their life, he wrote it to her. One Wednesday night, surprisingly Laurel got a heart attack and died. Not long after that, Jack hugs his wife tightly and they both closed their eyes together, forever. After they died, their three children, Matthew, Samantha and Malcolm found a thousand letters that finally they know that it is their father’s letters to their mom.
Many unexpected facts are opened when they read the letter one by one. The shocked one when they know that Malcolm wasn’t Jack’s son. Maybe their mom had cheated once and then born Malcolm. Many life values we can get from this novel about family, relationship, friendship, forgiveness and forget.
This novel is really suitable for those who want to cry and feel the meaning of life. Me personally didn’t get that. No that this novel is bad, but I think the situation is not right :D
This is a quite old novel though, published in 2008 but I just bought it couple days ago and finished reading it.

Ps: For those who want to buy this novel, im not sure whether this novel is still available on Gramedia because I bough it on Gunung Agung bookstore.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Wednesday Letters

ohaiyoo, I was going to the Plaza Surabaya this noon to (actually) buy these:

after I have bought those nail-polish, I walked to the Gunung Agung bookstore just only a yeah sightseeing :D
but then I found a novel and Im in love and I couldn't control myself for not buying it.
it's "The Wednesday Letters" by Jason F. Wright :)
the look of this novel is like an envelope, and surprisingly there's a real letter inside. unique, isn't?
I haven't read it though, thus I can't give my comment yet. But right after I read it, I promise to write the review of this novel.


Monday, 14 November 2011

Pisces, Pisces enough, not so Pisces

Hello there again, im going to post some shits again here :D
This post was inspired by a konyol morning talk with @erlinaprilia and @fahrindameliana about our zodiac. Jadi me and Fahrinda were born as a Pisces, but we both are soooo different according to Erlin. Erlin said that im too strong as a Pisces, karena image seorang Pisces itu mellow, susah mengungkapkan perasaan, gampang stuck kalo lagi buntu, dan ga eksis di dunia maya. Hhaha those are really NOT ME, aren't? :D

Saya mellow?  not much, not mendayu-dayu.
Saya susah mengungapkan perasaan? Ask my babe, @Jack_d_ripper :p
Saya gampang stuck? ORA BLASS! Maju tak gentar sekalii
Saya ga eksis di dunia maya? eheheh you must be new :)

Saya ada sangkalan, well ngeles dikit boleh lah because im trying to protect my dignity as a Pisces. To be honest I really love my zodiac, Pisces. Saya ga terima kalau disuruh ganti zodiac T_T

Pisces itu mudah simpati, ohh saya sekali
Pisces loves arts, ada yang mau saya tiru gayanya? :)
Pisces itu cocok sama Cancer #kode :p

Tapi memang saya menyadari, even though I love Pisces and I love being Pisces, I have other "sifat" that Pisces doesn't have. For Instance: Keras, Suka Ngobrol, dan Berani! :D
According to Erlin lagi, sifat tersebut Iwi banget tapi bukan Pisces banget!
Me, got some reasons why it could be happen.

First, my dad is a Pisces and my mom is a Leo. So maybe I got my TOUGHNESS from my mom, because she is a Leo.
Second, I was grown up in a family where my mom as the POWER HOLDER. Doesn't mean that my dad ga tegas loh yaa, hanya my dad itu orangnya sabaarrrr sekali. Guarantee deh you will like him if you meet him, hehe.
Third, that I just realize this morning, my mom bore me when her age of pregnancy was JUST SEVEN MONTH. Tapi sorry it's normal and im not lahir prematur :) So if I was born in the ninth month, I would be born on May which has Taurus as my zodiac. Maybeee, this is also influence why im tough like a Taurus. Toh another prediksi if Pisces and Taurus itu juga match. Mungkin sifatnya masih saling berkaitan dan melengkapi.

After read this post, what do you think about my zodiac? am I Pisces, Pisces enough, or maybe not so Pisces? :)


Friday, 4 November 2011

Antara Pamrih dan Pretend to be Strong

Saat ini saya adalah mahasiswi tingkat akhir Sastra Inggris di UNESA. Tentu taulah apa yg ada di benak semua mahasiswa tingkat akhir seperti saya? iya, proposal, laporan magang, dan skripsi. Untuk proposal alhamdulillah rampung beserta presentasinya, tinggal laporan magang yg saya anggap gampang lah :p well saya harap c sesuai anggapan, aminn :D
Yang paling penting plus bikin geregetan itu ya semester depan ketika gong skripsi mulai ditabuh, pasti itu menjadi hal yang paling ditunggu oleh semua mahasiswa tingkat akhir seperti saya.
tulisan ini ditulis di Rumah Sakit Al-Irsyad Surabaya, ada yang tanya kenapa? oh gak ada yaa? hehe
Sad to say that now my dad is being hospitalized untuk beberapa hari kedepan :( Darah tinggi beliau kumat hari rabu lalu. Sebagai anak tentu saya sangat sedih. Bisa dibayangkan saya harus nahan tangis dari hari rabu sampe sekarang hari jumat. Saya nahan tangis ketika menceritakan keadaan bapak ke nenek, adik, dan teman-teman. Semua saya lakukan agar jangan sampai bapak tahu kalo saya sedih. Saya ingin terlihat kuat dimata beliau. Karena bagaimanapun posisi saya sekarang adalah sebagai anak pertama yang harus bisa jadi second cover-nya ibuk. Harus bergantian jaga bapak ketika ibuk kerja. Mengorbankan bolos kuliah demi jaga bapak. Demi Allah Rasulullah saya ikhlas melakukan ini semua. Walaupun berat karena saya harus menahan buliran air mata yang ingin keluar ketika harus menyuapi bapak, mijitin beliau dsb. Memang hanya itu yg berat, menahan tumpahan air mata. Mungkin saya terlalu berlebihan mencintai bapak hingga bisa seperti ini.
Nah sekarang apa hubungan antara status saya yang sebagai mahasiswa tingkat akhir dengan dirawatnya bapak di RS? hubungannya adalah saya pamrih. Iya saya pamrih kepada Allah. Mungkin beberapa dari anda tau bahwa pamrih kepada Allah sangatlah boleh dan malah sangat dianjurkan. Karena jika kita melakukan semua demi ridho Allah, niscaya kebahagiaan yang berlebih akan datang kepada kita, aminnn.
Saya pamrih akan ridho Allah untuk kesembuhan dan kesehatan bapak. Saya bahkan rela menukar 50 tahun kebahagiaan hidup saya demi melihat orang tua saya bahagia. Yang kedua tentu untuk skripsi saya kedepan. Saya ingin semua lancar dan tuntas dan mendapat nilai yang baik. Saya ingin bapak dan ibuk bisa sehat menghadiri upacara wisuda saya nanti. Kembali lagi, semua ini saya lakukan demi kebahagiaan dan kebanggaan orang tua. Karena sesungguhnya saya hidup hanya untuk mengabdi kepada Allah dan Orang Tua. Jadi saya menganggap semua yang terjadi sekarang adalah proyek memupuk bakti kepada orang tua dan menabung pahala dari Allah SWT.
Mungkin buat semua pembaca yang membaca tulisanini, saya memohon doa anda semua demi kesembuhan  bapak dan supaya bapak dan ibuk dihindarkan dari segala penyakit, amin Allahuma amin :)
Terima kasih :)