Hello there again, im going to post some shits again here :D
This post was inspired by a konyol morning talk with @erlinaprilia and @fahrindameliana about our zodiac.
Jadi me and Fahrinda were born as a Pisces, but we both are soooo different
according to Erlin. Erlin said that im too strong as a Pisces, karena image
seorang Pisces itu mellow, susah mengungkapkan perasaan, gampang stuck kalo
lagi buntu, dan ga eksis di dunia maya. Hhaha those are really NOT ME, aren't?
Saya mellow? not
much, not mendayu-dayu.
Saya gampang stuck? ORA
BLASS! Maju tak gentar sekalii
Saya ga eksis di dunia
maya? eheheh you must be new :)
Saya ada sangkalan, well ngeles dikit boleh lah because im trying
to protect my dignity as a Pisces. To be honest I really love my zodiac, Pisces.
Saya ga terima kalau disuruh ganti zodiac T_T
Pisces itu mudah simpati, ohh saya sekali
Pisces loves arts, ada yang mau saya tiru gayanya? :)
Pisces itu cocok sama Cancer #kode :p
Tapi memang saya menyadari, even though I love Pisces and I love
being Pisces, I have other "sifat" that Pisces doesn't have. For Instance:
Keras, Suka Ngobrol, dan Berani! :D
According to Erlin lagi, sifat tersebut Iwi banget tapi bukan
Pisces banget!
Me, got some reasons why it could be happen.
First, my dad is a Pisces and
my mom is a Leo. So maybe I got my TOUGHNESS from my mom, because she is a Leo.
Second, I was grown up in a
family where my mom as the POWER HOLDER. Doesn't mean that my dad ga tegas loh
yaa, hanya my dad itu orangnya sabaarrrr sekali. Guarantee deh you will like
him if you meet him, hehe.
Third, that I just realize
this morning, my mom bore me when her age of pregnancy was JUST SEVEN MONTH.
Tapi sorry it's normal and im not lahir prematur :) So if I was born in the
ninth month, I would be born on May which has Taurus as my zodiac. Maybeee,
this is also influence why im tough like a Taurus. Toh another prediksi if
Pisces and Taurus itu juga match. Mungkin sifatnya masih saling berkaitan dan
After read this post, what do you think about my zodiac? am I
Pisces, Pisces enough, or maybe not so Pisces? :)