Saturday, 28 January 2012

Ugly Handwriting and what it Says about You

Occurred at a glance to googling about “ugly handwriting” because some of friends think mine is ugly :D this article was reposted from --> CLICK THIS

Ugly handwriting needs its very own own post because it has always been the ugly duckling among writers. There are several reasons why I’m featuring  “Ugly handwriting” today – one of the most important being that these handwritings usually have a lot to them and the writers of these handwritings are never bland.
In fact I have always found them to be the most interesting to analyze. So if you have an ugly handwriting read on – there may be more to your scrawl than first meets the eye. We all know what “ugly handwriting” looks like. It’s the exact opposite of those beautiful neat and often calligraphic looking works of art that we all envy.

Ugly handwriting has poor rhythm and many inconsistencies. I was told as a child by an unsympathetic examiner that my handwriting resembled a garden – a garden with weeds. And so people with poor handwriting always find themselves having to apologize: “Please excuse my handwriting as I’m writing in a moving car” – or “galloping in a horse and buggy” etc.

Poor writers hardly received much encouragement from the classical graphologists either. They were a rather stuffy lot in those days and found it difficult to countenance poor handwriting. Crepieux-Jamin, one of the founding fathers of French Graphology, when describing these unfortunate missives referred to their “multiple discordances” with much disapproval.

Ludwig Klages, a famous German graphologist was even more derogatory about this kind of handwriting which he dismissed with the haughty description of “poor form level.” As far as he was concerned anyone who wrote with poor form level was the pits! He should have seen some of the handwriting of today!

Now I’m not trying to suggest that there is great virtue in writing “badly” – or that you should try to cultivate an ugly hand. Far from it. I am in a constant battle myself in this regard because my own handwriting, as I’ve mentioned, is far from beautiful!
Of course, every handwriting is different and generalities, especially in the field of handwriting analysis, can be dangerous.
Nevertheless there are some interesting things that we can point out.

The Meaning of Ugly Handwriting
  • Ugly handwriting can indicate a certain amount of emotional baggage. Many ugly writers tend to be emotionally volatile.
  • Sometimes, ugly handwriting can be an indication of low self-esteem or insecurity; but it can also show autonomy and a desire to be judged on your own merits rather than conform to the standard way of doing things.
  • For those of us who are members of the club of ugly handwriters, there are a few consolations.
  • Ugly handwriting is always individualistic because this type of writer is an independent thinker. You will notice that this writer does not always fit in with the expectations of society.
  • Ugly handwriting often goes with creativity and sometimes it can be a sign of eccentricity too.
  • Paganini the great violinist belonged to this category and he was certainly eccentric and undoubtedly creative.
Picasso also had an ugly handwriting and look at what happened to him!
So, if you class yourself as an ugly writer don’t despair! Some of the ugliest writers have been highly creative or exceptional people in one way or another. Aside form Picasso, think of Beethoven and Napoleon. They had dreadful handwriting and look at what they achieved!

here are some pics of my ugly handwriting :D

no offense for the last pic :D
so for all of you who have ugly handwriting and people complain a lot, don't worry, you are special :)

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

a Review of Ilana Tan's "Sunshine Becomes You"

Judul              : Sunshine Becomes You

Penulis           : Ilana Tan

Penerbit         : Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Tahun             : 2012

Tebal             : 432

“Walaupun tidak ada hal lain di dunia ini yang bisa kaupercayai, percayalah bahwa aku mencintaimu. Sepenuh hatiku.”

Sunshine Becomes You adalah novel kelima dari pengarang best seller tetralogi 4 musim, Ilana Tan. Jujur ini adalah karya Ilana yang saya baca pertama kali karena penasaran kenapa buku-bukunya selalu menjadi best seller. Mengapa saya tidak mencoba baca dari tetralogi 4 musimnya? Simply karena saya kurang begitu suka buku yang berseri.

Here’s a little review about this novel:

Let’s meet Alex Hirano, seorang pemain piano terkenal di New York. Cuek, perfectionist, dan pendiam. Malang, tangannya harus terkilir setelah ditabrak seorang gadis di tempat mengajar adiknya. Yang akhirnya mengharuskan Alex membatalkan seluruh rangkaian konsernya hingga akhir tahun. Alex memiliki adik bernama Ray. Mereka menaruh hati terhadap wanita yang sama. Siapa wanita itu?

Dia adalah Mia Clark, seorang penari dan instruktur yang sangat berbakat di Small Steps Big Steps Dance Studio (SSBSDS). Lulusan sekolah tari Juilliard yang harus mengabaikan tawaran untuk bergabung dengan beberapa group tari ternama dikarenakan penyakit jantungnya. Hidupnya berubah setelah menabrak Alex di SSBSDS yang mengharuskan Clark, begitu Alex menyapanya, untuk menjadi pengurus rumah. Membantu Alex yang tidak dapat bekerja dengan satu tangan.

Singkat cerita Mia berjanji akan membantu Alex hingga tangannya sembuh. Mulai dari membuatkan kopi untuk Alex hingga menjadi sopir pribadi Alex. Kebersamaan yang selalu mereka jalani menumbuhkan rasa ketergantungan hingga timbul cinta diantara mereka. Alex begitu uring-uringan ketika Mia tidak datang ke apartemennya. Begitupun Mia yang selalu terlihat tidak bersemangat ketika tidak bersama Alex. Kenyataan unik itu makin tidak bisa ditampik oleh keduanya. Alex dan Mia pun positif saling jatuh cinta.

Di akhir cerita, penyakit jantung yang menggerogoti Mia membuat Mia tidak dapat lama bertahan hidup walaupun sudah diberikan donor jantung, namun tubuh Mia menolak jantung tersebut.

Keseluruhan novel ini cukup manis, cocok untuk menemani waktu santai dan liburan. Terbukti dengan banyaknya scene-scene manis yang terkadang membuat saya sendiri tersenyum membacanya. Hanya kelemahan novel ini adalah alur yang monoton. Mia terlalu lemah dan Alex tentu diposisikan sebagai “prince” di novel ini yang siap sedia membantu sang putri. Menurut saya novel ini kurang kejutan dan lonjakan-lonjakan emosi yang selalu saya harapkan pada setiap novel.

Mengenai gaya menulis Ilana Tan sendiri cukup halus dan mudah dimengerti, hanya saja kurang variasi dalam memainkan dialog dan emosi pembaca. Overall saya hanya butuh waktu dua hari untuk menyelesaikan novel ini. Artinya saya hampir 80% suka, terlepas dari kritik dan ekspetasi berlebih yang saya harapkan. Karya Ilana Tan selanjutnya cukup menarik untuk dinantikan.

ps: novel ini dijadwalkan akan terbit serentak 2 Februari 2012, go grab it fast!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

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Monday, 2 January 2012

a big amen! :)

Your Sign Lord Jupiter is in good position and will bless PISCES in getting good job and success in the tests or the interviews provided you work hard and remain focused on your goals.