Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Booksigning Partikel with Dee

Such a great honor for a new fan like me to met her, a brilliant talented writer, 
Dewi “Dee” Lestari :)

me and Dee
erlin and Dee

June 16th, 2012 –Gramedia Ciputra World

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The Long and Winding Road

Whoaaaaaaaaaa it’s really loooonnggggg and winding roaaddddd, that leads to yudisium, hahaha. Well anyway, Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah. Puji syukur kepada Allah Yang Maha Baik. Akhirnya saya dan 18 teman Sastra Inggris 2008 UNESA bisa yudisium 8 Juni 2012. Which is kita mendahului sekian puluh teman dalam angkatan yang sama :D Alhamdulillah....

Saya sangat bersyukur dan lega setangah mati. Mengapa? Karena jalan yang kami tempuh sangat teramat berattt. Ibaratnya kami tidak diberi jeda untuk hanya sekedar menarik nafas. Kalo kata @erlinaprilia seperti bermain halang rintang, selesai satu rintangan maka rintangan lain masih menunggu. Tapi puji syukur kami semua mampu melalui semua walaupun pulang sore tiap hari, padahal banyak teman yang harus kerja malamnya, makan sehari sekali, kepikiran 24 hours 7 days a week, ga bisa tidur nyenyak, wira-wiri Ketintang-Lidah-Ketintang demi mengurus ini itu sampai ngesot sampai nangis darah tiap malem.

Kalo ada yang tanya kenapa sih bisa se-hectic ini? Ini dikarenakan jadwal kami sidang sangatlah mepet dengan batas akhir penyerahan berkas yudisium. Hanya SATU minggu! waktu yang sangat hectic dari sebelum sidang hingga terkumpulnya semua berkas hari ini. Dan kalo ada yang tanya lagi, emang kenapa ga wisuda oktober aja? Kan enak ga keburu kaya gini? Emmm juni ke oktober itu lama banget you know, dan semua urusan kami sudah beres, ceilahhh congkakk :p Lemetelyu why kami bisa heboh seperti ini:

H- sidang, kami masih diombang-ambingkan oleh jadwal sidang yang belum pasti. Padahal saya dan beberapa teman sudah mendaftar terlebih dahulu sejak 2 minggu yang lalu. Ehhh terus mau diserobot sama rombongan yang daftarnya telat. Ga terima banget lah, saya and the gank ngluruk beberapa pihak supaya gimana caranya kami bisa maju duluan dan ternyata berhasil, huahahaha. Belum selesai, ini adalah sejarah saudara-saudara, untuk pertama kalinya, sidang skripsi dikelar DUA kali! *facepalm* Ini karena ada salah satu dosen yang absen pada sidang hari pertama sehingga KHUSUS Pratiwi, Erlin, Fahrinda, Yosi, Chakim dan Nayu sidang digelar DUA hari!

Yang kedua, kami dipusingkan oleh revisi. Kalo revisi cepet sehari sih enteng. Lah ini sampai dua hari ga dibalik-balikin trus piyeee? T_T  sementara kami terus dikejar deadline pengumpulan berkas yudisium yang semakin mepet. Lalu puyeng minta tanda tangan ini itu, stempel ini itu, ngumpulin skripsi ke tiga perpustakaan, jurusan, fakultas, dan universitas. Jika satu tempat ya mudah. Lah ini Lidah Ketintang Lidah Ketintang, aduh mbookkkk.
Terakhir, begitu semua berkas beres, syarat lengkap, ada masalah yang belum juga kelar. Apa coba? Transkrip nilaii!!! Bayangin ketika semua syarat sudah lengkap tapi kalian ga punya nilai, wakakaka maka yudisium diundur dan wisuda oktober –“ but thank God semua beres pada menit eh detik terakhir. Jadi lumayan ngoyo banget dari pra-sidang sampai batas pengumpulan berkas yudisium hari ini, alhamdulillahhhh
Yang pasti saya pribadi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada teman-teman, terutama Erlin, Fahrinda, Nayu, Faris, Chakim, Yosi, Meliska, yang sudah bareng-bareng panas-panas mondar-mandir sampai ke rumah pak dekan, ketawa bareng, bingung bareng, ahhhh I love you all guys!
Lalu terima kasih juga kepada semua pihak yang sudah mempermudah jalan kami menuju tangga yudisium. Wonokromo udan deres, sing kuoso sing bales, amiinnn.

Dan kepada semua yang mengenal atau yang membaca tulisan ini tolong doakan saya supaya cepet mendapatkan pekerjaan dan gaji yang layak, ehehehe aminn.

sidang skripsi 24 & 25 Mei 2012

kerempongan ngurus yudisium


syukuran atas lancarnya perjalanan menuju yudisium 8 Juni 2012 :D

Sunday, 3 June 2012


What is egocentric? Self-centered? Selfish? I can say that those three words have the same meaning. Egocentrics regard oneself and one's own opinions or interests as most important or valid. They only care about their opinion, fuck other’s opinion off. They won’t listen to anybody’s opinion, even though they are wrong.

Been 22 years living in this world makes me realize that basically everybody is self-centered. Yes, everybody is egocentric with the different stage. I’ll try to explain the stages in my own point of view. Remember, this is my point of view, what I write here is based on my observation.
  1. The first stage is included as “OKAY” stage. Why? Because this stage, the egocentrics do selfish to themselves. They do not hurt anybody else because of their egocentrism. This people know what best for themselves, they will try to find a way how to reach that without kicking somebody ass off. For example: two persons (A and B) have the same task. Both person are qualified and have already know the way how to manage their task. They do not help each other because of it. And they do not destroy each other too because they want to be the best! They compete fairly.
  2. The second stage is “STUBBORN” stage. Nah this is rather annoying person ya. They actually know they are wrong but they keep doing it. They won’t listen to anybody by saying: “this is my life, don’t tell me what to do!” alrite alrite, this is your life, but listen to somebody’s opinion is not a crime too. Remember that you don’t live alone. There are million people surround you. If someone says good things so take it, or at least just think about it, err okay just listen to it, enough. They do that because they care of you. But on the other hand, if they say something bad to you, it is your choice. If they say it right, don’t be offended, just change your attitude, if it is wrong, go ahead! Nothing worries about it. But please, listen! And then think, ”am I doing it right?”
  3. The third stage is “NINJA” stage. Hahaha why did I call em so? Because they are backstabber thingy. Yeaa they are nice in front of you but disgusting in your back. They act like they care but actually don’t. They will help you yeaa, but then they will leave you faster whenever they get a change. Uh-oh ninja!
  4. The last stage is “ERROR” stage. Whoaaa this is the most dangerous stage ya know! This kinda person won’t hesitate to drag you down! Yes yes, I see these persons many times and everywhere. They are not hesitate to hurt somebody else even though their friends or family just to reach their goal, their egocentric goal. They will walk ahead without looking back. They don’t even care whether you are in a coma or bleeding between life and death. They are not afraid of other people life. They hate if people are better than them, thus they will do anything to cut you off, suckkksss!
Until now, I don’t know exactly why people like that do exist. Im just too lazy to talk to them. Hehe even though I have to admit it that I also selfish sometimes. Some people will be hurt of me but some people just take it easy. I do listen and FILTER of what people say. I just avoid hurting people’s feeling.

In my own opinion, being egocentric is a choice. But don't hurt other people moreover drag them down. Just go for your own business.

So again, this is only my opinion. Not opened for debate session! lol just kidding, comment would be appreciated. Siyah! 