Tuesday 20 April 2010

Stupid Facts

Hell-o world, I found emmm some facebook walls and suddenly I called it as stupid facts. Kenapa, karena hal ini bikin gue geleng-geleng kepala.lol
Let's make it fast, tadi gue iseng buka facebook temen, emmm ada beberapa wall yang sukses bikin gue ketawa sinis bacanya. Wall itu nerbangin gue ke arah beberapa bulan yang lalu dimana segalanya begiituuu indah dan menggetirkan sekaligus. 
Gue inget banget betapa marahnya seseorang (yang gue sebut pacar pada saat itu) ketika gue ngepost kata-kata kotor di facebook atau semacamnya, dia bakalan langsung telpon marah-marah dan segera nyuruh gue buat hapus tuh postingan seolah-olah dia sangat mendamba wanita yang benar-benar baik, anggun, dan lembut. Padahal gue ni yaa, kalo ga saking kepepetnya juga ga bakalan ngomong kotor alias mesoh :p tapi tapi tapiii dia bisa marah sebanget-bangetnya.
You know what, not long after we broke up, he found another girl (not after actually, he found her when he was still with me.wtf!). I was hurt honestly, but not too long I realized that this girl is maybe the best for him, I thought that she's better than me, she can makes him happier than with me, etc, so I said thanks to her that she opened my eyes about my ex.that's it!
But theeennnnn, I was sooooooo sad and lil bit mad because I found those walls that actually written by her. Huff it seems like it's not complete for her to not saying a BADWORD in her every single wall. I don't have to show what words is that, but I'm sure that you know em your self.lmao
Then I remember my past and ask my own self:
did my ex treat her the same like he did to me??
did he immediately call her and ask her to delete that post like I did??
I don't think so, because she still and keep do it again and again.
Ohh God, this kindda girl that made him leave me??
So sad to see his-after-me-girl is not better than me. 
He seems happy. Gah! WHATSOEVER!!


Fatikhatul Kholifah said...

whatsoever inget2 pak suk dweh...

Pratiwi Utaminingsih said...

hidup pak suk! BRAVO.. haha