Thursday 27 September 2012

Nobody Said it was Easyyyy

Halloooo people! im sooo damn busy these days because of my first days in office. In my office. New office :p can I be a lil bit narcissist? Well Alhamdulillah, all my sorrows were gone. My hard work was paid off, my prayers and my loveliest prayers were answered. It is a long journey, full of tears. But finally here comes the sun. Im now working at one of the biggest bank in Indonesia. Im so proud, so are my parents, friends, boyfriend, and family. I dedicate this achievement to them. Oh here it is the bocoran where im working now :p

 Atas pencapaian ini saya menyatakan resolusi saya di tahun 2012 terbayar lunas! Saya masih ingat betul ketika saya hanya meminta dua hal besar untuk tahun ini. Pertama, saya ingin lulus periode Juni-Juli. Kedua, saya ingin bekerja in a big company. Dan semua terwujud, Alhamdulillah. Inilah pencapaian terbesar kekuatan doa dan kerja keras. Tentunya semua juga tidak akan terwujud tanpa dukungan dan doa dari orang-orang tersayang, I thank you. Ohh yaa, also thank you for my blog reader yang mungkin doain saya also. Thank you very much!

Everything I reach now is not that easy, ya. Bantuan secara doa dan dukungan sih meluber-luber, tapi untuk otot dan otak, saya murni berusaha sendiri. Sempat menahan hati ketika semua orang tanya, “ada orang dalam ya mbak?” wahh orang ini ga lihat muka saya yang kusut apa yaa T_T Saya mati-matian pakk bukk survive dari serangkaian test yang bertubi-tubi menghujam hati dan pikiran. Belum lagi lamanya penantian akan kepastian nasib. Oh Lordd, hamba pasrahhh. Tapi tak apalah, dengan ini saya mampu membuktikan bahwa saya kuat dan tangguh!

Ohh iyaa, I made a shocking decision ya for my nearest people, haha. I cut my hair very very very short! It is because my office requires me for having a very nice appearance. Nah I think you can guess what my position is ya? Haha. But, I like my new hair anyway :)

 Ahh okay, that’s all. My eyes are tired already. I’ll see you when I login into this blog again. Oh give your comment please, about anything dehh :) dahh!


AstloShop said...

selamat sayangku :*

Pratiwi Utaminingsih said...

thanks for everything, baby :*

Dika Restu Wulandari said...

percaya apa enggak aku pengen nangis jadiny :((

Pratiwi Utaminingsih said...

lahhh kenapa nangissss