Friday, 9 July 2010


  1. He plays guitar in a band called My Chemical Romance. I bet he’s good with his fingers, wouldn’t you like to find out? I bet you would.
  2. His voice. It’s deep and smooth and can keep you listening for hours. I bet it sounds even better in the bedroom.
  3. He’s not afraid to go bold, his makeup always making a statement as well as that devious smirk of his. Could you imagine the look on his face while he was undressing you? Oh, I know I could.
  4. His name is Frank Iero, which rolls much too nicely off of the tongue, signaling that he’s of Italian descent, with a dark complexion and pretty hazel eyes to go with it.
  5. His body, an ass that could make any girl want to dryhump him, as well as those tattoos pretty much point out the fact that he’s everything you could ask for in one package titled ‘Frank Iero’.
  1. You’d be lying if you said those eyes didn’t capture your attention from the word ‘go’. Zacky Vengeance - making teenage girls melt with those green orbs since 6661.
  2. Be honest… look at those lips. Tell me you’re not imaginging them on you. Those beautiful, full lips. Accompanied by those snake bites. There’s just one word for this - unf.
  3. Never has anyone made smoking look as fucking hot as he does. Tell me you wish you weren’t that cigarette.
  4. Not only does the man know how to work up a rhythm on a guitar, his creativity stems into his clothing line too. A man with style and creativity is an irresistable man.
  5. This man has everything. From a ‘rock star’ lifestyle, to an ‘adorable’ side. It isn’t possible for anyone to be any cuter, especially not when accompanied by their dog. The most adorable thing you will ever see.
Most of people said that both of them are quite similar. Their face, appearance, and their style are similar. But I don't think so. Franky is more similar to Synyster Gates than I do, my eyes said so :)
Three things that similar from them are: they are great guitarist, has a bunch of tattoes, and has an Italian hertiage.

ps: thanks to WHY THEY'RE HOT for the info =)

Isn't He Lovely??

♥Roque Santa Cruz♥

Born in August 16th 1981 AsunciĆ³n, Paraguay
Current club Manchester City and he is one of the former of Paraguay National Team Football
Number: 9 & 14
 kenapa suka banget manyun-manyunin bibir gt sih?? :p

 idk why, I just feel that he was sooooo cute and the picture above :)

For me, he isn't that handsome. He is so sweet for me. Kalo orang kita bilang sih ibaratnya gini, orang ganteng itu ngebosenin. Beda sama orang manis, dilihat selama apapun juga tetep I absolutely agree of it. Sebenarnya si udah tau mas ganteng ini sejak dia di Bayern Munchen dulu cuma jadi agak lupa karena pamornya kalah sama bintang bola lainnya. Tapi World Cup 2010 telah membangunkanku dari tidur *halah
I found my cutie prince again..haha
Soalnya kalo dibandingin sama pemain bola lain, si Roque ini ga sebeken Beckham atau CR7, tapi pesonanya ituuu bikin geregetan..haha
So, isn't he lovely, folks?? :)
♥ Beautiw ♥

Hello you, Coward!

Hmm, it's almost 12am here and I can't sleep. So sedikit curcol gpp deh
well today ada yang menguji kesabaran saya (lagi)
ga tau juga sih, apa saya ini orangnya terlalu baik atau terlalu murah maaf??
yang jelas saya, untuk pertama kalinya merasa menyesal telah memberikan maaf kepada seseorang yang sangat tidak pantas untuk itu.
Okay, calm down =)
Saya tidak akan meledak-ledak seperti dulu lagi, eventhough I know I can do that. But I don't.
Saya hanya bisa menarik nafas berkali-kali agar mood saya kembali membaik setelah hal yang sangat konyol ini.
Maybe I should make my another-forever-goodbye-post lol
well apapun itu saya hanya ingin sedikit menertawakan seseorang atas ketidak-jantanannya.haha
Bukan..bukan karena dia bisa punya anak atau tidak, hanya dia SEDIKIT kurang berani untuk mengatakan yang sesungguhnya dan ini BUKAN YANG PERTAMA KALINYA dia tidak jantan.lmfao
Yahh sudahlah, his another mask had been opened tonight.
I should be happy, shouldn't I??

ps: mohon maaf jika ada kesamaan nama dan tempat, tulisan diatas hanyalah fiksi belaka (tp bohong)

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Happy Birthday Mr.Gates ♥

 Due to today is his 29th birthday, I would love to write some fun facts about him, enjoy!
1. He could play guitar with single hand in Almost Easy while he was drunk
2. His current relationship with Michelle DiBenedetto was started when they were drunk (intinya mereka jadian scra ga sadar.zzz) 
3. Syn and Michelle have a facebook account named "Pinkly Smooth Slip Gates" (udah ku cari ga ada --")
4. Syn loves to play guitar hero and A7X has Nitendo Wii in their tour bus
5. He almost-never drive his own car, Zacky used to pick him up (ohh please)
6. Every early morning he used to take a walk with his dog, Pinkly, then surfing with Michelle
7. Synyster is the most sophisticated boy in band, he always wants mirror in backstage with the right position *zzz
8. Syn had joined Jujitsu club, his photos could be seen on
9. He is a gun enthusiast. he has several pistols in his house and often to practice shooting range
10. Synyster used to give guitar lesson and course (bayarnya brapa om?? aku mau juga dongs :p)
11. He got his stage name when he was 17 while drinking and driving around.Saying “I am Synyster Gates and I am awesome!!!"
12. His first tattoo was when he was fifteen years old. It's of the number one and it's on the knuckle of his thumb
13. He has so many hats that he has a hat box that often takes Jimmy's seat when they're traveling (minta satu omm :p)
14. Mostly seen with a fedora on (I want fedora so muchmuchmuch!) 
15. He has a recording studio in his house, which is where he spends most of his time
16. He's allergic to bees (ihh lutunaaa :D)
17. Recently had a custom long low rider motorcycle built by the people who do American Chopper. It has a metallic snakeskin paint job and SYN on the gas tank.
18. Brian was the only member of Avenged Sevenfold to not attend Huntington Beach High School, but rather Ocean View High School.
19. Mostly, Michelle drives for him every morning (tadi sering dijemput Zacky, sekarang pacarnya yg nyetir --")
20. He attended Huntington Beach School only at 4th grade (sekolah cuma sampe kelas 4 tapi sangat berbakat dan kaya raya, jeezzzz)

at last but not least, I just can say happy birthday to Brian Elwin Haner Jr. ♥
much love for you, God bless and all the best. love ya!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

try to reach but it's too hard

mencoba untuk tegar walaupun sukar
mencoba untuk tersenyum walau bibir kelu
mencoba untuk tetap semangat walaupun susah

Tuhan punya kuasa 
Tuhan punya kuasa
terkadang kuasanya adalah cintanya
terkadang hati tidak mampu memandangnya
seonggok hati dan perasaan hanya bisa merintih
hingga mata pun pedih 
maka meneteslah bulir-bulir
bulir-bulir kekecewaan dan kesedihan
kekecewaan dan kesedihan yang sebenarnya itu adalah bentuk kasihnya

butuh akal dan hati yang bijak untuk membaca
membaca apa yang tersirat
tersirat dalam suatu peristiwa
peristiwa yang penuh luka dan air mata

makhluk yang lemah ini bukan apa-apa
makhluk yang lemah ini tidak punya apa-apa
makhluk yang lemah ini tidak punya tempat bersandar
makhluk yang lemah ini tidak punya segalanya kecuali Engkau

wahai Allah Tuhanku yang Agung
mungkin dengan ini hamba dapat belajar sesuatu
selalu dekatkan hamba dengan rasa syukur
selalu dekatkan hamba dengan rasa mengerti
akan segala keputusan yang Engkau takdirkan
hamba pasrah!

Three Days of Hope

tiga hari penuh pengharapan
tiga hari penuh doa
tiga hari yang sangat amat menegangkan
menunggu sesuatu untuk diputuskan

demi senyum mereka
demi bahagia mereka
demi kegembiraan mereka 
demi kebanggaan mereka

tiga hari demi mereka
tidak putus hamba meminta, memelas, bahkan mengemis belas kasihan dari Engkau
wahai Maha Agung sang pemilik hidup
hanya sebuah alasan sederhana 
demi senyum dan kebahagiaan mereka
kabulkan doa tiga hari hamba tersebut

seandainya ada yang harus hamba tukar
hamba rela
demi mereka, demi Engkau hamba rela
menukar sesuatu itu untuk kebahagiaan mereka
demi Engkau hamba rela

wahai Engkau yang Maha Pemurah
hanya secuil keajaiban yang hamba mau
tidak banyak
hanya demi senyum mereka
hamba berserah diri kepada Engkau wahai Allah Tuhanku yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang
amin yarobal alamin :)