Tuesday 28 December 2010

One Year Without The Ones I Love

It’s a daily struggle. There are good days and bad days- days where you don’t think about it so much, and then there’re days where you sit there and just can’t believe it. We’re just trying to move forward and live our lives as best we can, and we’re just happy to be here right now. We’re going to celebrate his birthday [February 9th] and not necessarily his death, but I think I’ll want to get together and watch his tribute video and talk about him. We do that every day, but I’ll just want to keep it chill and remember the guy for how fucking awesome he was.” 
Matt Sanders

The Rev is one of the most talented guys I know and have ever met. No matter what band you talk about, the biggest most famous bands off all-time, he’s right up there as far as I’m concerned. He’s a brilliant writer, he’s got one of my favorite voices in the world, and I know this for a fact, he’s the best drummer in the world. I mean, put those things together and he’s a pretty unstoppable dude.”  
Brian Haner Jr

To truly live, you gotta fucking deal with shit that you never saw coming. And it’s how you deal with it that defines you as a human. And so we’ll go out there (on tour) and give it our fucking best. It’ll be great to see our fans. They’re the only thing at this point that I need in my life: I have my friends, I have my family, but I haven’t seen my fucking fans for so long, I know that they’ve been along with us, and for me, getting out there and seeing the fans, whether I stand onstage and fucking cry and break my guitar and it’s fucking real hard to be up there, at least I know I have my fucking fans right there.” 
Zacky Baker

“Somebody had the balls to tell a funny Jimmy story. One of the thousands upon thousands. we all kind of laughed a little bit. as the night went on, we just were telling all of our favorite stories of Jimmy. That was extremely therapeutic. without the rest of my best friends, I don’t know what would have happened. It was really hard. I had known Jimmy for longer than I had known any body else. He was best friends with Brian before Brian joined the band. He was just very much, in a weird way, the guy who brought us all together.”
 Johnny Seward

it's been a year :'(
RIP the best drummer ever! James Owen Sullivan