Sunday, 30 January 2011

Welcome to The New Jungle!

ohai people! :)
seems like forever since my last article coz I always post some shit during my holiday, haha. How you guys doing? me? ummm today is my last semester holiday, bcoz tomorrow I will back to my LOVELY campus, again! 
heckyeah, a little review about my last semester, it was fun actually. I really enjoy my struggle, happiness, even for my litres of tears --" I try to do my best in my every subject, I always attend the class and respect my every lecturer. With hoping that I would end up my semester with a VERY BIG SMILE in my lips. Overall, my scores are okay. even I can't deny the appearance of "C" over there. I cry almost loud knowing that, nothing but I don't know what do I have to say to my parents especially my dad :( it's better actually than last semester but yeahh I'm not satisfied enough with these results.
But that's okay, I try to keep smiling in my every day although it hurts inside. I promise myself to not give up and give in. Just like Winston Churchill said:
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm"
I note those words very well, sir!
I'm not going to give up this early, bcoz there are million dreams for me to chase and higher skies to reach! 
So yeahh, my promise for this semester, as I always do before, I will do my best. I'll kick unimportant thing, struggle and keep on my faith. For my dreams!
this might be a greater adventure \m/

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

another sad song

that M.Shadows' words has tearing me, I almost cry reading that :')
I love you Jimmy, I love you very much!
I miss you :'(

Wednesday, 19 January 2011



Sunday, 16 January 2011

guilty pleasure

yes, yes, yess! this is the product of my boredom (again)! lol
idk why suddenly those words come up into my mind, then I played it on my photoscape..haha
sorry anw, this is not a good post :)
sooooo, today is my last day for having my internet connection, maybe I'll be back in three or four days. so leave your comment, comment, and comment! :D
and wish me for getting my excellent GPA for this semester.
thank you

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Sexy Beast

coz one, you're like a dream come true. two, just wanna be with you. three, boy it's plain to see that you're the only one for me. four, repeat steps one through three. five, make you fall in love with me. If ever I believe my work is done, then I start back at one 
Brian McKnight - Back at One

Monday, 10 January 2011

another silly thing :p

well am just bored as fuck, a month of holiday but got nothing to do, blahh!
so I took my own pics on my webcam, haha it's fun though :D
I post others here on my tumblr --> 
 here and here

Saturday, 8 January 2011

100 truths of myself

001. Real name : Pratiwi Utaminingsih
002. Like it? : absolutely!
003. Nickname(s) : tiwi, iwi, wiwi

004. Status : single :D
005. Zodiac sign : pisces
006. Male or female : female
007. Elementary: SDN Gading V Surabaya

008. Middle School : SMP Negeri 9 Surabaya
009. High School : SMA Negeri 6 Surabaya
010. Hair color : black
011. Long or short : quite long
012. Eye color : black
013. Weight : umm around 47
014. Height : it was 163 two years ago, maybe still! haha
015. Righty or lefty : righty
016. Loud or Quiet : both
017. Sweats or Jeans : jeans
018. Phone or Camera : phone
019. Health freak : emmm
020. Piercings? : yeap, on ears
021. Do you have a crush on someone? : yeap! Synyster Gates! haaha
022. Eat or Drink : both
023. Purse or Backpack : both
024. Tattoos : nope
025. Do You Like Yourself? : of course!
026. Current worry? : my GPA :')

027. Orange or Apple Juice : err any strawberry? lol
028. Night or Day : both
029. Sun or Moon : both
030. TV or Internet : Internet
031. PlayStation or XBox : PlayStation
032. Kiss or Hug : both :D
033. Iguana or Turtle : my lil' sissy has turtle, how abt that? :D
034. Spider or Bee : uh uh
035. Fall or Spring : emm spring!
036. Limewire or iTunes : nope
037. Soccer or Baseball : soccer!

038. First surgery : thank God, never :)
039. First piercing : idk for sure but when I was a baby
040. First best friend : Niara Agustianti & Omrina
041. First Sport : badminton
042. First award : 2nd place for cerdas cermat when I was in 4th grade :D
043. First crush : DAP, when I was 5th grade
044. First pet : named Lucky
045. First big vacation : Jogjakarta when I was in 4th grade with mommy
046. First big birthday : I never celebrate my birthday, haha seriously!

047. Eating : tahu campur
048. Drinking : strawberry milk juice
049. I’m about to : take a shower :D
050. Listening to : Natalie Imbruglia - Scars
051. Singing? : nope
052. Typing? : this silly questions, haha
053. Waiting for : my GPA score, huaaaaa

054. Want kids : SURE!
055. When : if someone marry me, haha
056. Want to get married : of course
057. When : emmm 2015 or 2016 (amiinnn)
058. Where Do You Want To Live : AUSTRALIA!
059. Careers in mind : lecturer, kindergarten teacher, all about teaching and kids :D
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little : astronout :D
061. Mellow Future Or Wild : both should be balanced :)
062. Something You Would Never Try : emm idk

063. Lips or eyes : eyes.
064. Shorter or taller : taller
065. Romantic or spontaneous : both
066. Nice stomach or nice arms : both
067. Sensitive or loud : loud
068. Hook-up or relationship : relationship
069. Trouble maker or hesitant : trouble maker
070. Hugging or Kissing? : both :)
071. Tan Skinned or Light? : tanned
072. Dark or Light Hair? : dark
073. Muscular or Normal? : normal

074. Lost glasses/contacts : never
075. Ran away from home : never
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense : a scissor, haha
077. Killed somebody : never
078. Broken someone’s heart : emm yes :p
079. Been arrested : nope and never be!
080. Cried when someone died : yes
081. Kissed A Stranger? : no!
082. Climbed Up A Tree? : never
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend : hmm yeaa, haha

084. Yourself : I do
085. Miracles : sure!
086. Love at first sight : I do
087. Heaven : of course I do
088. Santa Claus : well if he brings me some, I believe
089. Kiss on the first date : nonono

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now : yeaa :D
091. Do You Like Someone : idk
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : sure!
093. Do you believe in God : A BIG YESS!

094. Received/ Sent Text Message : Ryan Pramana
095. Received Call : Daddy :)
096. Call Made? : Dika Restu
097. Comment On MySpace : even I forget I have this
098. Missed Call : Ryan Pramana
099. Person You Hung out With : Yeti Wulansari
100. Post as 100 truths of myself


Ohh well after a year or more I managed this blog, finally I've changed its design. Not totally though, I still use the simple white background, change the header and add some twitter and other buttons. And yeaa it looks soooo fresh and I love it!
how do you think about my new look, guys?! :)

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Sharing Aja Dehh

umm random aja c tiba-tiba pengen posting kata-kata ini:

"hanya mereka yang terpilih yang akan diuji oleh Allah"

kalo kata sebagian orang, manusia itu akan diuji sesuai batas kemampuan, saya setuju. nah ini ada contoh kasus, ada dua orang dengan usia yang sama, orang pertama diuji dengan ujian yang cukup berat menurut saya, tapi orang kedua justru menjalankan hidupnya dengan adem ayem seperti tanpa masalah. oke, ga usah pedulikan orang pertama dulu, saya bahas sebentar orang yang kedua. ada beberapa kemungkinan mengapa orang kedua ini terlihat begitu baik-baik saja, bisa karena memang hidupnya serba enak, bisa karena dia terlalu cuek untuk memikirkan masalahnya, atau memang dia tidak pernah punya masalah, atauu, dia sengaja menyembunyikan semua itu sehingga terkesan memang baik-baik saja.
lalu bagaimana dengan dua orang yang saya perbandingkan tadi?

orang pertama tentu dia akan matang secara emosional lebih cepat daripada orang kedua, atau bahkan orang kedua justru yang lebih dewasa jika dia dikategorikan sebagai orang yang "menutupi masalahnya". karena sepengetahuan saya, orang dewasa akan cenderung menyimpan sendiri masalahnya atau hanya sharing kepada orang-orang terdekat. yaaa kalo begitu kategorikan saja dia jadi orang pertama..haha
intinya saya setuju dengan kata-kata diatas yang tiba-tiba muncul di benak saya, memang ujian itu hanya berlaku untuk mereka yang terpilih. nahh, masalah tidak berhenti sampai disini, ada dua lagi kategori untuk orang yang menerima ujian. orang pertama dikatakan lulus dan naik tingkat apabila ia mampu mengambil sisi baik dari ujian tersebut, lebih matang dalam berpikir dan bersikap, dan ia pasti punya kecenderungan untuk berubah menjadi manusia yang lebih baik lagi. kategori kedua adalah mereka yang terlalu picik menilai suatu masalah sehingga mereka akan cenderung menyalahkan Allah (naudzubillah) dan lari dari masalah, orang ini biasanya tidak akan berubah walaupun ibaratnya dihantam batu segede gunung semeru

saya percaya, Allah telah memberikan  porsi yang sama untuk setiap makhluknya. mungkin waktunya yang berbeda. dengan berbagai ragam ujian yang Allah berikan kepada semua manusia, saya percaya bahwa itu semua untuk menjadikan kita semua hambaNya yang paling mulia.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Smile is A Simple Thing

when you're smiling keep on smiling
the whole world smiles with you
and when you're laughing, the sun comes shining through
keep on smiling coz when you're smiling
the whole world smile with you
Louis Armstrong - When You're Smiling

lagu di atas bener banget banget setriliun!
karena senyum itu simple
senyum bisa kita peroleh bahkan dari hal yang paling simple sekalipun
pagi tadi, waktu berangkat ke kampus, ahh saya kurang tahu pasti kenapa saya sangat menikmati perjalanan tersebut.
yang pasti banyak hal yang bisa membuat saya tersenyum :) 

dari senyum tukang koran di lampu merah, mereka sabaarrr banget nawari koran dari satu mobil ke mobil lainnya, yaaa walaupun ga semua pemilik mobil beli itu koran sih, but honestly itu bikin saya senyum loh lihat ketulusan mereka dalam mengawali hari.

yang kedua, senyum favorit saya terjadi ketika melihat segerombolan anak sekolah, terutama anak TK dan SD, bisa tertawa lepas, with a little fighting sometimes, kadang saya merasa kalau saya sudah lama tidak tertawa seperti itu, benar-benar lepas dan tanpa beban.

melihat isi kota pagi hari, dari segala lapisan, alhamdulillah masih bisa menggurat senyum di wajah saya. anda juga bisa, coba ya kalau berangkat kuliah atau kerja tiap pagi, coba perhatikan sekeliling anda dari penjual koran, pedagang asongan, sampai anak-anak sekolah, they look so beautiful!
ahh andai semua orang adalah observant seperti pisces, I love to see the details, and not everyone could see the details :)
sampai jumpa pada cerita tentang senyum selanjutnya!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Welcome 2011

  Happy New Year :)
well I don't have any special resolutions coz I want my new year goes without plan or I want what will happen next year would be a surprise for me :)
so what's your resolutions fellas?